Mr Propre Sa

Is the owner of this site
For any question relating to privacy, please send a letter in return to the address above.

Created by Synexta

webdesign, strategy and project management

1 rue de Clairefontaine
78120 Rambouillet

web :
Phone : (+33) (0)1 85 77 11 44



If you notice a gap, error or what appears to be a malfunction, please report it by describing the problem as precisely as possible (page causing the problem, triggering action, type of computer and browser used, etc.) ). Any downloaded content is done at the risk and peril of the user and under his sole responsibility. Consequently, the owner of this site cannot be held responsible for any damage suffered by the user's computer or any loss of data resulting from the download. The hypertext links set up within the framework of this website in the direction of other resources present on the Internet network cannot engage the responsibility of the owner of this site.


These conditions are governed by French law and any dispute or litigation that may arise from the interpretation or execution of these will be the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts on which the head office of the owner of this site depends. The reference language for the settlement of any disputes is French.


The content of this site, including, without limitation, texts, graphics, images, videos, animations, sounds, logos, documents and icons as well as their formatting are the exclusive property of the owner of this site, in accordance with the law. French intellectual property. Any reproduction, distribution, modification, adaptation, retransmission or publication, even partial, and by any process whatsoever, of these various elements is strictly prohibited without the express agreement (in writing) of the owner, except to constitute an infringement within the meaning of articles L.3335-2 and following of the Intellectual Property Code, and engaging the civil and criminal liability of the counterfeiter.


All operations on this site are carried out via an SSL protocol and therefore secure during their transfer from your computer to our server. We collect the following information via this website: Via the contact forms: any information that the visitor has chosen to include. This form is not stored on the server of this website but is relayed as email directly. No “other” use will be made of it on this site. You can exercise a digital "right to be forgotten", by simple request by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt addressed to the owner of this site. After receipt, your request will be processed within 15 working days. Without your request, the emails thus created are stored for 24 months. If you send a form or if you download a resource from our site, then your IP will be recorded with this operation, this mainly for security reasons and to fight against spam. No other use will be made except to justify your action on the site in the event of a dispute. If you have a user account on our site and you proceed to an identification (in order to access your customer area for example) an identification cookie will be deposited in order to trace your actions. This information being solely for security purposes, they are stored for a period of 2 years. We carry out statistical analyzes of visitors and their actions on our site. This recording is anonymized (by deleting the last digits of your IP address). Therefore, we cannot delete this data from our system since at no time can it be clearly linked to a specific user. If you have subscribed to our newsletter, you can request the deletion of this mailing list at any time, by simple e-mail (contact form) or by following the unsubscribe link appearing on any message sent via our systems. Expect a processing time of approximately 72 hours for the deletion of our mailing lists.


We attach great importance to the protection of your data, whether you are a simple visitor, customer or former customer. Under no circumstances do we sell (or buy) customer or prospect files. We do not give access to third-party companies to sensitive data (email or other). A question ? Need a clarification? Contact us and we will inform you as soon as possible! For any information needed, our digital security officer (indicated at the top of this page), is available at the company's contact details.


Information about our use of cookies.

Ce site Web utilise des cookies pour nous aider à offrir à nos utilisateurs une bonne expérience lorsqu’ils naviguent sur notre site web et nous permet également d’améliorer notre site.

Qu’est-ce qu’un cookie ?

Un cookie est un petit fichier composé de lettres et de chiffres que nous stockons sur le navigateur d’un utilisateur ou sur le disque dur de son ordinateur s’il y consent. Les cookies contiennent des informations qui sont transférées sur le disque dur de l’ordinateur de l’utilisateur.

Types of cookies and how we use them.

We regularly perform cookie analyzes on our website and keep our list of cookies up to date. We classify cookies into four categories:

  • Nécessaires: Ces derniers sont les cookies qui sont nécessaires au fonctionnement de notre site web. Ils comprennent, par exemple, les cookies qui permettent aux visiteurs du site web de se connecter à des zones sécurisées de notre site web, d’utiliser un panier d’achat ou de faire appel à des services de facturation électronique.
  • Marketing: Ces cookies enregistrent les visites des utilisateurs sur notre site web, les pages qu’ils ont visitées et les liens qu’ils ont suivis. Nous utiliserons ces informations pour rendre notre site web et la publicité qui y est affichée plus pertinents par rapport aux intérêts des visiteurs de notre site web.
  • Statistiques: Ils nous permettent de reconnaître et de compter le nombre de visiteurs et de voir comment les visiteurs se déplacent sur notre site web lorsqu’ils l’utilisent. Cela nous aide à améliorer le fonctionnement de notre site web, par exemple, en veillant à ce que les utilisateurs trouvent facilement ce qu’ils recherchent.
  • Préférences: Ils sont utilisés pour reconnaître les utilisateurs lorsqu’ils reviennent sur notre site web. Cela nous permet de personnaliser le contenu pour eux et de conserver leurs préférences (par exemple, leur choix de langue ou de région).

En fonction de l’emplacement de l’utilisateur, il pourra se désinscrire de chaque catégorie de cookies (à l’exception des cookies nécessaires) en cliquant sur “Définir l’autorisation personnalisée” dans la bannière de cookies de notre site Web.